Saturday, April 24, 2010

Catch somebody

Looks like someone won't be running for a while.. tsk tsk.. anyway, the article has been headed wrongly, it says 'swim champion', it's more 'running champion'..

Anyway Happy Birthday to Jonny! :) yesterday was his day but I usually only blog on saturdays so ya.. Life has been boring! OMG, I'm going to start to plan for my birthday, I"m gonna come up with a guest list first and then find a suitable venue.. Maybe I should come up with a wishlist too :P Have been seeing lots of violence in the new over at Thailand as the days go by.. and then there's the ashes issue over in Europe.. All this unrest seem to point that the 2012 thingy may be true? haha, ok just saying ;) It's been boring and I'm trying to make it less for me.. Just think, what would Conan do? WWCD?

OK, this week we caught the movie Shutter Island starring Leonado DeCaprio.. It wasn't exactly my choice to watch the movie but it was the movie of the week anyway.. ok, so the story goes where this police dude goes onto an island and discovers creepy things within.. so ya, that's basically it.. I don't wanna spoilt the story for anyone here.. It's an interesting, intriguing and 'out of the box' kinda movie.. just makes you wonder , ponder and think and really think again..

I love the little line that's on some of it's promo posters: Some one's missing - at the end of the story, you'll truly find out that the lead character is the actual one that's missing.. interesting.. it'll lead you into thinking if you're insane as well.. so go catch it people, I'm giving it 4 out of 5.. There's too much unnecessary suspense though.. and I'm not a fan of suspense..

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