Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2 weeks before the As - Counting Down

Some time since I lasted blogged.. Anyhow, went for IVP on Saturday to see Mel in action.. and Congrats! Going to this IVP gave me a renewed motivation to wanna do my best for this A levels just so I can get to the other side of the river.. and it's track team kinda also made me target NUS as my first choice school :) With Mel and Hardi's influence plus some POSB card hahaha, it makes NUS interesting hahahahah.. Spend that night supposingly studying with Nigel,Calvin,Kubo and new found friend Daniel but didn't really quite made full use of that time..

The past 2 days were spent helping out at sports events for Mdm Sin and her husband.. Monday was at NUH for some biathlon (or was it duathlon?) and Tuesday was Active day for National Health Group at Labrador Park.. Tusday was more tiring moving up and down Singapore dilivery and collecting equipments.. But I had fun and got some insights to event planning which I kinda enjoy..

The past 2 days I was watching this as well :)
Meng Hong Spotted these DVDs at popular and knowing that I'm a fan of MARVEL told me about them! woo hoo! It's actually movies with Captain America,Ironman,Giant man,Wasp,The Hulk and other Marvel characters.. damn cool! It's called Ultimate Avengers! COOL!!
It's 11 more days till the first paper (GP).. WAO!!!

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